Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Do vegetables loose the nutrients if cooked in a crock pot?

Not unless you toss out any liquid-the minerals and many vtamins dissolve into the cooking liquid-they are lost only if this liquid is discarded.

Which QBs would you start in week #3?

I have Matt Cell, Kyle Orton, Mark Sanchez....David Garrard, and Kevin Kolb on my roster.. Which two would you start and why???? I know my QBs are bad. Helbeck is injured...

I have a question about my dog ?

Ok for a few days I have been getting bumps on my arms. And I got medicine for it and my doctor said it is an allergic reaction so It could or couldn't be my dogs fault. So my gma put him out the house he is fully vacinated has flea mite and tick preventatives so I really want to bring him back in but my grama is always saying he likes it outside but it gets to be 108* where I'm at so I'm like WTF so in da morn should I just give him a bath give him some more preventatives and bring him in or what please I need advice becaouse I love him dearly ??????????

Is there such thing as goth posers?

Okay I just moved bck to PA from AZ after living there bout a yr and found out my beat friend went goth. She wears all black clothes, pentagrams, dyed her hair black, wears black eyeliner&lipstick, does drugs, cheats on her bf with guys&&girls, burns incense, and listens to bands like nine inch nails, korn, and rites of spring. She hangs out with guys tht wear all black and dye their hair black, wear big baggy pants with chains, and beat up emo/scene kids for fun. Me&my friend/ex-friend (idk if we're friends anymore) are 13 and in7th grade but her goth friends are anywhere from 7th-11th grade. so I was wondering is there such thing as goth posers, since there are emo/scene posers, and is she one. btw she is rlly mean to most of us preps (but she's still sorta nice with me) & calls all the not goth groups gay posers& conformists& losers. So are there such things as goth posers&&is she one?

Is the economy making us better people?

On my walk with my daughter today I keep wondering if the bad economy is actually good for us. My family is learning to save our money and appreciate what we have. I'm becoming a better cook because we don't have the money to go out. I'm becoming inventive with making all the christmas presents I'm giving this christmas. I'm crocheting mittens scarves and socks... and cute little leg warmers for my daughter. I'm shopping at second hand stores and making cute outfits work with second hand clothes (something I would never do before). I look for a lot of free activities for my daughter and I to do together like playing in the park, hanging out with our friends, and going for long walks. I babysit on the side for extra money just because I can take my daughter along. I drive a lot less because of the price of gas. All we really need is each other. How is the bad economy making you a better person?

Grand Theft Auto V teaser site?

Okay, i was searching over the internet looking for some news around the (probably) upcoming videogame GTA V. As i continued searching, i've found this (possible) teaser site: http://www.gta-five.com/ can anyone tell if this is actually the official teaser site or just a joke? It seems pretty real because the official rockstar logo is displayed on the page and it does link to their official site. But i haven't seen any other people posting this as news or something and i pretty much doubt i have found the official teaser site before anyone else did... what do you guys think?

I need help with the opening sentence of my novel?

Well I think if your going to change it that the first sentence should go something like this. She (or the girls name) lives in a frozen waste land. maybe describe it a bit more. to give it more of a picture.

Which one of these matches who you are?

myself i have been told i was an in depth person ,had a lot of hard hits in life widowed my lifetime friend my wife at the age of 24 and a child with her,been out here on the sea now over 25 years now i do alot of thinking at what is around me,standing on the bridge looking at the stars a night wondering what i could have been what if comes up a bit to but all in all i like my little world i live in i just wish i was not alone in doing it the sea is a vast place

Does increasing RAM increases VRAM too?

It is possible, It all depends on the mother board and bios setting... Boot up to BIOS then increase the shared vidoe memory. Normally has 3 settings to pick from. And if I remember well I think it has 128 max sharing for video... In other words the mobo will reserve the 128 only for video use plus whatever the chipset has.

How much would it cost to have a decent wedding in Colombia?

From what I've been looking at you can get everything (cake,ceremony,reception,catering,decor) for about 4-9 thousand including transportation,video and photos this quote is based on 100 people

Anyone have experience with Godaddy Do it Yourself website? seems good on paper , ?

How do I know how much bandwidth and disc space I need , a tour brochure with 6 pages plus photo gallery , payment option for tours credit card , and does the godaddy package allow advertising .

Is Urticaria hereditary?

Urticaria does have a genetic component. As such, it is not certain that your child will get urticaria, but your child may be predisposed to developing urticaria.

How would you like if i joined up with local cruise lines=Degoyduckeeduck's undewater Adventure's happen?

we hve see evidence via deep ocean camera Equiptment.the windows could be built or designed to with stand deep sea life submarine depth's.and with the info,i had added recently about the star ship Granite rock hard space ship type armour platting of which could easily fit most Typhoon cl luxury cruise line subs,i could add unto the diamond bowl and my indy car race track idea i had for outer Tulsa Oklahoma.something extra fun for you deep see Adveture type people's the super submarine i had shown the Porters and attorney John C, Baker could be real and at see making billion's per year in revenue.if Dynsey and crown princess so wishes to invest in deep underwater pleasure craft.yet the beer squirt idea i had would make million's each football & Basket ball season for myself and Heshey,Nestle chocolate companies.yet too taste good the little kiss size snack would need to be in the refridgerated isle.for some folk's i bring forth nothing but fun thing's unto thier lives.the 65 m;p;h bikes and toy's we shalt set unto blue print and begin building soon.yet legal work takes time and you yahoo.commers know this all too well.so too does retreival of my wealth and former identity.part is apon the cherokee doss roll's.this should be easy to find for the five tribes.yet they must reinstate the black folk's simnole ring too reach the original nine ring's of our world Olimpic games.thus each nation of Tribes is there and present apon it's symbol's.thank you and have a great future post 2009 year.

I don't seem to be interested by clic novels?

I've personally always liked clics, especially clics of British literature, but there's nothing wrong with not particularly liking clics as long as you realize that they DO have value. Since you seem to understand that they are important, I wouldn't worry about it.

What is lynching? and what is the.....?

what exactly was lynching used for? what was the point of lynching? i'm doing literature, and we studied the poem the lynching by Claude McKay. we were given a brief view of what it was, and i decided to look it up. however, i still don't understand what really was the point of it. so if someone can kindly explain, without making racists comments it will be greatly appreciated.

I have installed XP in one sys & placed that same HDD in other system.It is still rebooting. which file to be?

It's not a file XP is failing on. It is trying to load a piece of hardware it doesn't have installed. Either load all the system and etc drivers on the staging computer 1st. Or, use the XP CD and boot off it and run a re-install to load the proper drivers.

Breeding A Society finch and a Gouldian Finch?

my female society finch mated with my male gouldian and layed an egg. Will the egg be fertile?? If so What would the chicks look like??

Am I justified to be upset over this? How to deal with it? Does he still have feelings for his ex?

I do not think you are over reacting. I think all men have some feelings for their ex's unless they are cold hearted *******. I still care about my ex wifes welfare even though I have been re-married for over a year. No one can say but you what your man is capable of. Some guys handle boundaries very well and others easily cross over them. Just keep your wits about you and see how it plays out.

What are uses for Plutonium?

I already know that it is used for bombs, and powers nuclear power plants and space probes, but I need more info.

Windows 98???

I have two older computers at work that have windows 98 on them. I have a CAD program that runs on 98 that I want to use the computer for. My problem is windows is not recognizing the cd drives in the computer and I don't have the original 98 Disk because that is what came with the computer. There is nothing I need on the computer but would like to have 98 on it so I can run this older program. Any suggestions?

I don't know if my sewing machine needs to be replace/fixed or if it is operator error.?

I think most sewing machines are designed for a seam width that is approximately the width of the gripper foot so if you try to do a seam that is less than that things are not likely to turn out well. Why not treat yourself to a sewing cl - I did and I'm much more confident with my machine now and learnt all sorts of hints and tips that the professionals use that I didn't have a clue about before.

What does this mean :\ ?

Maybe you actually think that this guy that you dont really know is kinda cute. maybe you have a thing for him and you felt it in your dream

I cant believe all of the changes that have been made in WWE over the past couple of months?

Think about it, all of the injuries of major superstars, Rey Mysterio, Triple H, King Booker, Mr Kennedy, Gregory Helms, The Undertaker and now Shawn Michaels, all of the recent firings, Ariel, Scotty 2 Hotty, Nicky from the Spirit Squad, Henry Godwinn, Vito, Sabu, Too Cold Scorpio, and Rob Conway. Also, with people quiting, Hulk Hogan, Big Show, Paul Heyman, and RVD soon, WWE is losing a lot of its veterans, it sucks.

Had a dream where I woke up and the day outside was beautiful, I turn it on ESPN & it says, PBF def JMM by UD!?

I usually dream about girls myself, so I find it strange your story about you dreaming about sweaty half naked guys in shorts punching each other. I would say many experts and creeps like yourself would predict this to be a logical outcome for this particular fight.

Ron "The Truth/R-Truth" Killings Vs John Cena!?!?

Not really....As i think...John cena will not face R-Truth....He is gonna debut in smackdown....And his opponent gonna be Vladimir Kozlov...As vladimir Said to JR and Mick foley that he want better Opponents...it might...be Whats up...Ron Killings..a.k.a R-Truth

What are all the middle states and capitols in the United States?

I got a history test tomorrow and I dont know the middle states and their capitols, anyone help me out?

Oh the Guilt!(dont bother reading)?

Im jazzing on symphonies created by 3 piece beach bobble head boys and its making life a ******* bore! all i want is a little monotony to break up my ever pacing rock and roll lifestyle. im plagued with thoughts of vietnam vets and old teddy bears filled with cotton picked by slaves. maybe im guilty of over-complication, a fantastic compilation that's totally unnecessary. maybe im guilty of being a trendy prat who can't move hip enough and hop up enough but is totally fine with it because im not conforming to the non-conformists. whatever i voted for ollie and i wear turtlenecks with the shells strapped to my back making me look like a poetic koopa troopa. spinning my captain crunch lingo back at cha like im snoop dog or eazy-e. im breadwinner fresh like frangs bakery.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why don't young Lebanese Muslims living in Australia want to imilate to become Aussie?

They have bizare believes, believe women are inferrior trash, bash people in large groups on their own, never get into a fair fight, carry knifes, never fight one on one. Seem to stand for everything Anti-Australian, seriously theu would NEVER get away with this in America, so why should they here? Also if they love Lebanon so much why don't they go back to Beirut?

WEIRD LAWS: These laws are on the books & aren't really enforced, in many states. Which do you like?

I like Boston's -- I mean how can you not like a state that tells you how to cook. That's just plain freedom.

Does Puma First Rounds look good in Skinny jeans?

How do these look? http://www.shop.puma.com/First-Round-RP-Sneakers/pna885116744143,en_US,pd.html?cgid=618005

How to find a legal istance in a criminal matter if you don't have income and you need an urgent one?

The judgment has been a Continued Without Finding from 05/21/2009 to 05/21/2010. The case has been dismissed on 05/21/2010. In mean time on the Supplemental Abstract the clerk put only CW 05/21/2009. He doesn't show the Dismissal date which is 05/21/2010. In this context it mean that I still am convcted. The judge can't talk to me if I am not isted by a Lawyer to fix this issue. What can I do because the clerk still refuses to show the dismissal date?

Is there any DMRT [Duncan's Multiple Range Test] to run in SPSS v15?

My friend gave me this SPSS and I wanted to use DMRT for statistical ysis in my studies. I can't find it anywhere. Help?


What ever you answer its not gonna be true!! only selena and other people know her SN!!! so.....!!AAARRGG!!!!!.... maybe someone knowssAA!!!!

Would this outfit work?

Sounds almost perfect to me. I would pair it with some gold jewelry too since your belt has gold embellishment. I'd go with a long gold necklace or some cute dangly gold earrings. The red will add just the right touch of color and you can never go wrong with black.

In what countries Strong regional monarchies took hold in the decades around 1400 in?

Your question is too grammatically screwed up for me to help. Rephrase your question in a grammatically correct way and I will offer some clarity, most likely...

Where have all my tv shows gone?

During the summer my sister and I started watching Kyle XY, and Three Moons over ord, and after a few episodes, that was it. Does anyone know if they were moved to different channels, or comming back soon? Also on the New CW the show RunAway was on for about a month and that was the end of that one too it seems. Anyone know anything? or a new 7th Heaven anytime soon???

What do you think of my wrestlemania 27 card?

5.5, some of them arent wrestlemania worthy matches and to be fair that card is far to long, theres no way they would fit that many matches in a 4 hour show

Longest American car company is Oldsmobile at 107 years, who's is fourth?

Oldsmobile is out of producing cars in America, but have been going 107 years, Toyota bought the rights to Oldsmobile and could bring it back to Life. Next in line to overtake Oldsmobile would be Cadillac then Buick, who would be next in line?

Are the air force looking for security detail? Is it a availble job?

I am now in the navy dep and i got machinest mate on a submarine but im not interested in that at all and my recruiter told me once i go to basic I can change my job with no problem to Master Arms but i found out thats a lie. So i want to change to the air force for security forces. Is it a over manned job?

What Would Be A Good Name For My Photography Trademark?

My Name Is Jose Garcia And I Need A Trademark For My Photos, Like A Sign, What Would Be A Good One? I See Alot Of Them Just With Their Name Like For Example, "J.G. Photography" But That's Not Interesting! I Need A Good One! (:

What is the best hoover you could buy, please filter in value for money?

Does anyone have advise for a really good vacuum cleaner, as in good price to value? Ours is a vacuum looker, no longer a vacuum cleaner!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is there still a risk of cancer for the people living in New Mexico next to Alamogardo ?

Is there still radioactive fallout due to the explosion test of Trinity during the Manhattan project in 1945 ?

How can i make sure my car will beat these?

i have a 95 prelude si and i want my car to beat all my friends cars lol i dont want to spend alot and i dont want it to be a race car its just gotta beat them so i pretty much need to beat a 98 v6 accord and a crx only thing he did was get flo master exhaust system i donno the year tho

Other than Nixon, are there other examples of executive abuse of power?

Harry Truman's act of seizing control of the steel mills. There was a strike among steel workers and Truman feared that any slow-down in steel production could hurt the Korean War effort. So he announced that federal troops would go to the mills and keep them running. But that course of action was ruled by the Supreme Court to be unconstitutional.

How to create an unique name? Earn 10 points!?

When I need inspiration for a name I strangely turn back to doing what babies and small children do. I randomly try to manipulate a random word. For instance I was once trying to think of a name for a type of Bow and remembered the name Laura. After messing around and seeing what I could do with it I said Laurel. A Laurel Bow.

Are you still a fan of Lost?

Seriously, I have almost all but lost interest in the show. Season 1 and 2 were so much better than this season. The few episodes before the break in the first half of this season were terrible. But in all fairness there have been one or two that were decent. I can't deal with any more plotlines that go unresolved and I could care less about the "fruit cutters" especially with so much else that's hanging. So, have you lost interest as well?


i got my belly on pierced 5 days ago, and now its like really sore and its red around the piercing. its not like my whole stomach is red or anything but its like 2 cenemeters around the piercing is. and i was just wonder if its infected? or if its just healing or whatever. also, if it is infected what do i do? cuz they told me to clean it with water and mild soap, or with distilled water and sea salt, and ive been cleaning it and stuff and they said if any of my friends say put neosporin on it or anything not to. so yeah i need some advice!! thank you. =)

What courses would deal with this in college?

None, really. None of those things have been shown to actually exist. Parallel worlds, time travel, and worm holes are theoretical physics, but nothing you'd actually study at the undergrad level, and are dismissed by most physicists anyway, and the Bermuda triangle is just a superstition. There are no more boats or people lost there than any other major shipping route on Earth. Some colleges teach cles on debunking the paranormal, but that's probably as close as you'll get.

Physics Question. Please help!?

A circular beaker has a radius of two centimeters. It initially contains water to a depth of 30 cm. How many "centimeters" of oil (density 700 kg/m cubed) must be added to bring the pressure at the bottom of the beaker to 3000 N/m squared (Pa)? Ignore atmospheric pressure.

Hmmmm what do you think of this eh?

Ok this happend to me and i found the guy actually had a gf so either the guy ur texting has a gf , he has a new number or he hasnt bothered to reply if in doubt ring him and ask to meet up and if he turns you down just say ok and hang up there are many guys out there so dont be upset if he declines u :D x

If liberals don't want the US waterboarding should we just start beheading terrorists instead?

That's what they do to POWs in the Middle East. Poor little terrorists, the gall of us to use water in their face when we could be cutting their head off instead! The insanity!

Spiritually Speaking™ Where did the terms "left" and "right" come from when speaking of political affiliations?

Yes I know this should be asked in "Politics" ... but I haven't had my rabies shot so I'm not goin in there ...

Help! My sys goes off at random!?

I have a Dell Inspiron 1150. lately it has been behaving funny; it goes off at will. There was a time I chked it's CPU usage from task Manager & realised it shot up to 100% & shutdown. Cld it be the processor is bad or the fan is just not working properly?

In what ways could you use a computer in your home? If you were going to buy a computer......................…

In what ways could you use a computer in your home? If you were going to buy a computer, what type of computer would you buy: a desktop computer, a laptop, or a PDA? What features would you look for? What peripheral devices would you require?

MLA Works Cited Page - Clroom Handout?

I wrote an essay and referred to a handout my teacher gave me. How do I put that in my Work Cited page? Thanks! :)

Me and my girlfriend have not talk for a week, should i ume its over?

The last time we spoke was on mlk day and everything was fine. 3 days later I texed her to see what she was up to and she only gave me a one word answer. Since then I haven't heard from her. I don't want to keep bugging her. On her myspace, she wrote she mean things addressin I don't know who and her mood says 'stressed. I really love this grl but it hurts me to feel like I'm buggin her everytime I try to talk to her. What do u think? Ps; we live far apart, so we don't see often , we text alot.

Need help? Does it sound like I am overreacting?

I recently lost my job and I just started collecting my unemployment. My dilema is, my husband is also out of work. He happened to mention to one of his relatives that I was out of work and as a result, he has begun to send me job announcements. While I understand that we are in a crisis and need jobs. I do not feel comfortable with someone else navigating a job search for me. I know the type of work that I want and I appreciate the concern. But, the fact is, I did not mention my status to anyone, my husband did. And, the jobs that have been sent to me have been jobs that I would never apply too, because either I have already done them and know that they are dead-end low paying jobs. And, this particular family member has an attitude of, take ANY job, you need one. And this time around, I am very much particular and I want a job that offers me a LIVABLE WAGE. On my last job, I was treated horribly, and grossly underpaid, and I want the best this time aound. I alway's mind my own business, and I know what types of jobs suit me. I am not ignorant or illiterate. Please tell me how you would handle this type of situation without causing an all out family war? I do not feel comfortable with this.

How to lock (pword) a folder? -not every single files inside, but the folder itself? ?

i learned from other questions but many of the answers given were about to merely put pword on every single files in a folder (archive). what i want is how to put pword on the folder itself SO THAT nobody can even know what the files lie inside... if the only way is to use certain software, plz suggest me a good one.. freeware will b better... thnx.

Who's fake tan is funnier, John Kerry or John Boehnors?

Kerry is the Original Oompa loompa in washington, and we were close to having an oompa loompa as president, but who's is better?

Why is it okay for liberals to slander Cindy McCain, but Michelle Obama is off limits?

DISAGREED. It shouldn't happen on either side. My experience on Y!A has been more racism and hate from the white wingers. They have been so mean and disrespectful towards Mrs. Obama. People on here have ugly avatars of gorilla with Mrs. Obama's name. I have seen more monkey, gorilla, racial slurs, paint the white house black, watermelon, fried chicken, ribs, KFC etc. etc. remarks from the racist neo-C0NS. Any insults to druggie Cindy is minute compare to the racism towards the Obamas. The right have a double standards on everything to Palin daughter having a baby out of wedlock to the disrespect and racism on hate coming from the right. You put white women on a pedestals and dissed minorities women especially black woman. We have seen it with Don Imus, Rush Limbaugh and Fix News with Obama's baby momma. Neo-C0NS are meaner to blacks and black women. Just because Cindy is white no one can say anthing negative about her. I don't think so. @~

1941 Packard 120 Sedan turning over slow....?

My buddy and i have been working on his Packard for some time now. It ran fine back in november, but now it wont start. 6V system, positive ground. The starter was rebuilt last year, and it is fine. Solenoid is new, battery is new and charged. Timing is correct, plug wires are correct, firing order is correct. All the grounds are good, and the conections are good. It has spark and fuel, but it just cranks over so slow, and it has us both puzzled. We know the battery is good because we can throw it in his 53 Plymouth and it fires right up. Having restored old cars, I know they crank over slow, but this one is really sluggish. I am out of ideas, any suggestions before we convert it to a 12V system?

My first couple picks Fantasy Football?

Typically most fantasy football experts say go with a RB for your 1st pick as running backs tend to earn the most points. Fitzgerald and Johnson are both premier WR, but waiting until the 3rd round to snag a RB could be costly.

Pronunciation of a french artist's name?

I have never been sure how to pronounce the name of the artist who painted my favorite painting, Le Printemps. His name is Pierre Auguste Cot. I know how to pronounce "Pierre", and I ume Auguste is pronounce like the month august, but is it c-oh? or do you pronounce the t?

Where do u get fig fruit....do they come in any perticular season?

i know that pomegranate comes in 0ct-jan...so can we get dried pomegranate seeds and where??????are they good for health while pregnant?????/

Is it possible for me to lose 30 lbs by july 12?

Probably not-and I'm not going to tell you it's unhealthy and that diet pills are not good for you either....

Help me pick the best tv show! Poll?

I have a collection of many dvd box sets,shows on my pc or shows i recorded and i want to start watching one but can't decide where to start-burn notice, dark angel, breaking bad, leverage, the cleaner, blood ties, merlin, robin hood, rome, the collector, reaper, the 4400, bones, crusoe, flashforward, fringe, NCIS ,criss angel mindfreak, firefly, flash gordon, painkiller jane, sanctuary,surface, terminator-sarah connor chronicles, warehouse 13, friday night lights,being human,shameless. please tell me what you would recommend i watch and please also mention a show i don't have but recommend i did. Thanks:)

Is it easier to sell stuff to Americans if you include something about “God” in the advertising?

I was watching ‘Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles’ last night and you know how at the end of each episode, Sarah does this narrative whilst poignant images are displayed before a fade to black? Well, last night she was talking about ‘the machines’ and how they can’t fell love or happiness and they can’t know “God.” I cracked up laughing when she said “they can’t know God.” Do you think that the script writers wanted to make their product more palatable to American consumers and this is why they made Sarah say, “the machines can’t know God” referring of course to the Christian god concept?

Whats the name of the piece that is played in RUDY near the end where ND is coming out of the tunnel to play?

If It's the part at the end where they cheer for Rudy, it's called The Final Game by Jerry Goldsmith

Am I able to catch Grouden and the trio of golems with ultra ?

i traded my masterball with another pokemon to diamond and all i got now are ultra ..... so i really want all 4 but will i be able to catch them this way... and also how do i acess the chambers to the golems after i unlocked the sealed chamber now its just the individual ones that are locked thanks

In all english professional football derbies which club has the greatest number of wins over their rivals?

In the last Manchester derby, United's win over city gave them 63 wins with city on 41 wins (there have also been 45 draws). Is the margin of difference (22) the biggest in english professional football? Also, what is the closest margin?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What is your favorite movie, who is the star, and what genra is it?

My favorite movie is "Rudy" which is a sports movie and it starrs the hobbit Sam from lord of the rings

What could be causing hives?

i have been sleeping over my boyfriends house for 3 years every weekend, and i never broke out in hives before...he got a matress from his friend and nothing had happend to me until about 3 weeks later i started breaking out in hives...at first i thought he had bed bugs but we checked the whole bed and cleaned out his whole room and there was nothing, we even bought a spray for dust bed bugs and lice...every weekend he makes sure he has clean sheets and even puts a quilt over his bed for me, but i still break out in hives...i dont know if its the matress or could there be something in the room...why all of a suden its happening now, i cant go to the doctors because i dont have ensurence right now...does anybody have an idea what it can be from???

2 companys have the same business name, but spelled different. Can the names be used? Would a patent help?

You need a copyright not a patent? And the one who wins doesn't necessary have to be the one who got the copyright first. It could be the one with the most recognition with the name. A book store named Amazon books sued the big store. And wanted the big store to stop using their name. They lost even though they were first. They still could use the name however.

How much does brown rice expand when cooked?

If you're making rice porridge ,Saute the chicken in onions garlic saffron and ginger , Boil 10 cups water and add this sauteed chickenWhen it simmers add 1cup washed rice.and let it boil mixing it once in a while to make sure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot.Season with salt and pepper.

Does the Fact Boston is Losing ground int he East, Force them Into a Move they may not think they need to make?

Giving up pieces they dont want to give up for Halladay or Victor Martinez, Adrian Gonzalez, etc...?

POLL: Do you believe in the death penalty?

I don't too. They deserve the right to change. Why not give it to them. Death penalty is more like revenge, not justice. In this case, life imprisonment would be better.

What channel is the idea cup coming on?

i really wanted to watch watch this match(india vs sri lanka). Can you tell what channels it is coming on. Also can i watch it on the web, if so tell me what website.

Why do my fish keep dying?

So, we bought a fish on Tuesday, fresh water, lionhead, did headstands (which is a bit adnormal) and then died Wednesday night. We bought a new fish, name breed, but one the seemed happy and was swimming fine in the tank, and he died later that day. We don't know why they are dying. Our tank consists of pebbles, which we washed with warm water, a plant, which we purchased from the same pet shop, and water. This is all in a gl tank. We tested the water with a pH strip and the result was fine but the water still seemed a bit murky. What other reasons would there be for the fish to be dying?

What is the difference between a a bd dvd player and the one you put in your computer tower?

does the computer one just play the dvd and the graphics card does all the decoding? how do i know what features are on my card? what kind of audio D/A converters? possible up conversion, decoders?

Advent Calendar?

Hehe this is funny...I leave mine a couple of days to let the choc's mount up! So eat em all now! Yes I know i'm a guy who's 26...but i still love my advents

Why does this always happen? I like a guy then they start liking me back and all a sudden I don't like them!?

am I attention seeking ? cause i do like the attention I get off them. I feel horrible for hurting him when I turn him down so should I stop socializing with them, I knew where the line was but still crossed it.

Girls preferably, but what do you think of my poem?

i think its really nice :) its really good and if you're writing this for a girl then she'll like it :) (well i would!)

Hey R&P, what albums are you looking forward to this year?

I know it's been like 8 gazillion years since I've asked anything on here, but whatever :P. Some albums I'm looking forward to are the new Foo Fighters album, possible new Incubus album, new Riverside EP, new Blackfield album, possible new Tool album, and a few more I can't think of. Anyways, name some your excited for.

I'm Writing A Fantasy Story.....?

Interesting story, you have a good way of making the reader feeling hooked and wanting to continue. I suggest writing it in past tense, but that's just my personal opinion, that's the way I write my books and the way I prefer them read. But really good job, and you should continue! E-mail me if you have any questions.

How to be creative on a poster for a project?

Shape the poster like a baseball, basketball, soccer ball, etc. If you did a soccer ball, put the information in the little black octagons. If you do a baseball, write it on the stitches. If you do a basketball, write it on the lines.

Why are my parents like this?

Your parents just want the best for you. They also want you to accomplish those things they probably did not or could not when they were your age. They are setting you up for the future and believe me it will not be an easy one if you do not have the grades. I probably sound like your parents but honestly they know more than you do. They have a lot more years experience. Remember they're pretty much providing you a home, food, etc. It's their rules you should follow. One thing I do not like is pushing for perfection because there is no such thing as perfect. Be patient, calmly try to explain to them what bothers you, and continue achieving those good marks in school. One day you won't have your parents there and you will miss it. Having parents that care is way better than those that do not or are not around.

What does a search engine pick up on?

Hi, I am opening a small b&b and need to establish a domain name and hosted website. When someone searches thru google or yahoo for b&b glenelg, does this search link directly to words in the domain name, or to details contained within the website? and yes I am computer illiterate!!

Is it possible to jailbreak a BlackJack 2?

All SIM unlock codes are tied to the particular device IMEI and are carrier specific. The request for that code would need to be made from the carrier that the phone was originally manufactured for. Each carrier has their own guidelines as far as what requirements have to be met before that code will be given out. This is a free process.

Part DEUX: On a flight, who would you rather sit by?

I'd ask the stewart for roll of duct tape, place it over Elmer's mouth for the duration, bind Tommy's hands to his mothers, and tape a bag over Annie's face....I would then inform the steward that these people had made bomb threats...and have all three seats to myself! With a little imagination, flying can once again be fun!

(Christians) Do you believe Catholics,Jews,JWs,Muslims go to heaven?

What about all the different interpretations of the bible, you can talk to several christians all of whom may have different interpretations of the bible. some take the entire bible literally, while others believe many of the stories were allegories and parabable that only had spiritual meaning and not literal meaning.Can that determine if you go to heaven? what about christians who believe in absolute creationism and those who beleive in evolution and the big bang theory? do they go to heaven? What do you suppose?

How much allowance should a 13 year old earn (weekly)?

none, those are all things that you should do anyway. You are part of a family. I never got an allowance and i was raising my brother and sister when i was your age. I got my first job when i was 13. I'm now 20.

The house on mango street?

That was a good book, but do your own homework. Besides, I might not have the same page numbers in my book since it is older.

Is there an Aztec symbol for life and where can I find a picture of it?

There are thousands of Aztec symbols. All you have to do is go to google.com, type in Aztec symbols and it will give you many sites with that information.

Should the NeoCons relinquish their party to the NeoKing party??? Is it time for Plutocracy to become Monarchy

CEO's get billion dollar Salary's and the, Cons approve. The numbers o fworking poor are on the rise, Cons approve.. Is it time for an American monarchy???

Friday, November 11, 2011

How an old man can compete with a young I T professional ?

people like me are illiterate in computers .learningat 63 years of age is very slow .we feel we r oputdated .

Namaskaar, Hindi & Urdu speakers on line?

Chaabii just means key. And to answer your first and second question this sentence means, I forget my key. Yes it is grammatical and meaningful.

Southern Californians, are you worried when the Big earth quakes gonna come?

i am, i live right by the fault line, i read a geologist said we might have a 8 magnitude one, thats gonna kill alotta people and enough to make all our houses fall down, hell yeah im scared, i dont wanna die. what do u think

Does he like me at all?

when your young (because it seems like your young) guys especially will act like that once they find out you like them, he's being very immature

Do they sell clay mathews packer jerseys in stores yet?

i want a Clay Mathews jersey for Christmas and i was wondering if they are sold in stores if so which stores

Good, Accurate, Bolt action .22 lr, not too much.?

i would suggest cz 452 i currently use one for comp use and after a few tweaks i can now achieve inch and a half groups @ 200m, that takes some practice though! there terrific value for money

Is Big Time Rush a real band?

lol, no i don't think they are.. kinda like Miranda Cosgrove. She has no musical talent what-so-ever, she only makes those annoying songs because she's with Nickelodeon. the thing with the the JoBros, though, is they were a band before they were with Disney. So, they probably would have been famous with or with out Disney.... probably just a little less.

How bad is sorority hazing?

I'm NOT going to a big university, I'm going to a small college with about 1800 students so the Greek life is different. I think I want to join a sorority, but not if the hazing is disturbingly bad. I was just wonder what hazing is like at the small private colleges.

Describe a procedure to separate a mixture of salt, finely ground pepper, and pebbles?

Seive out the pebbles. Add water to put the salt into solution. Evaporate water and you're left with pebbles, pepper, salt.

I'm always arguing with my father, but I'm afraid to be outspoken with my prospective husband?

My father is my father, but he's also a bit of a bigot and I always find myself arguing against his biased viewpoints. But he thinks that I need to be set in my place. I want to be more demure and less fiery when I have a husband because I honestly feel bad about arguing (debating is different tho). How can I be more subtle and ladylike?

How 2 dress with these ugg boots?

I just got a pair of Boy ugg boots in black &* brown....There not really boy ugg boots but its mainly boys that wear them.... I was thinking if i could weave them with some leggings... if so how 2 dress with it

Week 6 RB and TE Dilemma!?!?>?

i would start michael pittman for sure and as for the tight ends its a toss up but i usually would favor donald lee over someone playing for seattle

Black men and Indian men are the least desirable to women according to Okcupid, you agree with Okcupid?

You should know better as an Indian male.. It doesn't matter who the Indian woman desires, it is her parents that decide who will court/marry her, although on the website, they are probably independently minded Indian females who defy convention. Anyway, if you are a doctor or other professional, you are in there.

Is the fame of Royals fair?

I'm pretty sure, most of them pay for it, one way or another, and they would largely, rather NOT have it...that it's a burden to them.

Should Madam Speaker, Pelosi, be prosecuted under the "Logan Act"?

Yes, she should, but she thinks, like most libbies, that only others have to follow the law, not themselves.

Is this a good prayer?

ohhhh yes..thats brilliant,hard hitting pray,but its right and truthfull...god would like that..pols x

I signed into DEP and my recruiter is trying to say if I get out that its a dishonorable discharge?

Okay, so I signed into the Marine Corps several months ago, well now I've decided after much training with them that's it not right for and I got accepted for grant and wanna go back to college. Well they do "pool functions" every Saturday and my recruiter(with another recruiter) are beating down and calling non stop saying that if I don't come to this pool function and then talk to his boss(the recruiting sub-station gunnery sergeant) that I will be dishonorably discharged. Will never be able to get federal grant, loans, help, etc. I've looked this up and seems to be a bull **** recruiting lie and that all I need to do is send a letter to the gunnery sergeant requesting for discharge from the DEP program.

Ok, so you know how on Ellen, she has the 'Dancing Mascot' thing at christmas time? Who was this years?

Its usually a celebrity, like i remember i think Kim Kardashian was last years, then it was Justin Timberlake before that...so who was this years???

Women who've had a tubal ligation ONLY please! PTLS?

It sounds like you have more going on than problems after a tubal. You need to see the Dr. and get checked out.

Has this ever happened to you?

you hear a word and you wnat to know what it means but if you look it up then you didnt want to know becuz you pretty much knew it was bad?

How's this Fantasy Trade idea?

Take the trade if it is offered. If you offer it, the owner of the other team just aint gonna bite. I ume you had 1st or second pick. If so, ya shoulda got one of those 2 top rb's, I need not mention names. You'd even get a couple of good qb's in the third thru 5 rounds. Guess that's where (5th) ya picked up Cutler.

The Great Depression Help.?

All you need to do is check out Roosevelt's response to the Depression. In a nutshell, the government created work with agencies like the NWA and the CCC. The idea was the government would pour money into work projects and infrastructure building and the workers would use the wages to buy goods and services further stimulating the economy.

Am I being intolerant of people or is this rude?

I stayed over my friends house last night and had to share the same bed because thats all she had. She spent the whole night tossing and turning and hitting me in the face and talking to me obsessing about how hot the room was and asking if i was ok. I just wanted to get to sleep i suffer with it anyway. She kept turning the light on in the middle of the night to check the radiator had turned off and kept farting i felt sick i was so angry i couldnt sleep until like 6 in the morning. and she still had the nerve to wake me up at 8 for no reason. She keeps pressuring me to stay over coz shes lonely but i cant stand it ive told her no. but am i being out of order? advice?

India will land in Moon and Mars with in 15 years and will bring food and clothes from there.?

India is a country suffering utter povery where half of world's poor and illiterates are in India alone. Statistical datas will go high ups if we search each category. Indian President dreaming that India will land in Moon and Mars. Do you feel any sence in it?

What is best best way to get out of credit card debt?

I have 15k in credit card debt and i want to get rid of soon. I dont want to do go thru debt consolidation companys because it will have a negative affect on my credit. how should i start? payoff the ones with high interest first or what?

How do I become a Congo bush pilot?

I recently saw the National Geographic's special on Congo bush pilots, and was wondering how I would go about becoming one. I've always been interested in finding some way to use my future aeronautical skills in a philanthropic manner that would also test my abilities, and I think that might be it. Added bonus: I might even get a chance to fly a DC-3. What kinds of groups or organizations hire people to fly meds into third world countries and things like that?

2 straight guys laying in same bed chatting?

You guys just sound like close friends. I don't see anything wrong here. Nothing ual is happening so, what is the problem?

Fish disaster. NEED HELP!!!?

omg no! you do not know about the fish you buy! you need like a 30 gal tank for a rts and the pleco. the bst should be in a school and bettas should not be with rts! plecos get to be a foot long! what were you thinking of buying one when you have 2 tiny tanks! ya gouramis and bettas don't get along. the gouramis are establishing a territory in the new tiny tiny tiny tank. the 10 gal was overstocked to begin with and now you are cutting their tiny tank in half!!! 15 animals in 5 gallons is too much! its the equilivant of you and your entire family living in a file cabinet.

Question about cryonics?

Even if it were technically possible to revive a person after being deep-frozen, it won't be a simple matter of popping them into the microwave oven on "defrost" for a few minutes. It will be expensive and difficult. So.... who would want to revive some old hag or geezer who had a full life and lived it? Even if the world population crisis is somehow solved, someone will still have to produce a few million dollars at least. Of course if you are Einstein or Mozart it would be a different story, but just your ordinary person - or even an enormously rich but still ordinary person like Bill Gates - the future will not want you.

How do u handle this ladies?

Suggest going somewhere else, when he suggests going where his friends are going. Maybe insist, but say please, and thank you at the end of the evening.

The screen is broken on my fujifilm finepix z10fd?

I dropped my fujifilm finepix z10fd on to some pebbles - it fell from a considerable height and I love it so much. I don't want a replacement camera and I don't want to send it off anywhere to get it fixed. I just need a new screen for it because the rest works perfectly. The screen is now white when you turn it on and has a huge black patch, but I just need to find out if you can get spare screens so we dont have to waste time and money. Thank you.

Heelside Snowboard help?

Are heelside freestyle snowboards nice because i was thinking about getting one. and yes i know that burtons and flows are better but im just wondering about this product

I Need Help With Interpretation Of This Script!?

The line to me implies anger and frustration.Try gritting your teeth and acting enraged.Remember to get the effect you want try using whatever you normally do to get the effect.For instance a smile over the phone gives out a cheerful attitude

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Help me to answer this toefl..thanks very much..?

The point of the toefl is that you do it yourself.They want to know well YOU know the English language.You can't ask someone else to do it for you.

What lip balm do you use (and enjoy)?

i use nivea. it is the best, trust me. the best for all types of lips. the chapstick bottle is kind of big but it is fittable into a regular jeans poket. it keeps your lips soft and smoth for a very long time. it is a bit expensive for it is such good quality!

Why was Ren & Stimpy such a Twisted Cartoon?

I was just watching some old episodes of Ren And Stimpy offline and its pretty creepy. The entire show reminds me of an acid trip or something. I remember an episode where stimpy sharpens a pencil with his bellyon then goes crazy and jumps inside of his own belly on. Goes to bellybotton world and meets some little elf dude.

Are black steel and sweet iron the same thing, or did I just get ripped off?

Sweet iron is also known as cold-rolled steel. Unless they painted the bit (which I doubt), it's probably the same thing.

Were Iraqi WMDs our generation's Gulf of Tonkin incident?

Really, I consider the Gulf of Tonkin parallel to be when Bush ordered Hans Blix and the inspectors out of Iraq.

Which perfume should i buy?

Can't decide which perfume to buy again, burberry brit or D&G light blue-i love both...what do you like?

Is it wrong that.....?

nope not at all, Che Guevara and Fidel Castro are 2 of my heroes aswell. Its so f&king lame that those basta*ds murdered Che.

What more should i do to loose more weight fast?

I'm 16 and I've been on the Atkins Diet for about 4 weeks now, i'm also going to the gym everyday, but i just can't see a change in my body. Can anyone give me any advice?

What is the worst creationist argument you have ever heard?

I am spoilt for choice, but I think the worst one I have heard was from a YouTube user who said that since human population doubles every 50 years, if we had been around for 200,000 years, as the evolutionists claim, there would be more people than the number of atoms in the universe. Something like that, anyway. I do not remember quite what the figure was which he used.

What Type Of Telescope Is Best For...?

What type of telescope is best for Deep Space Viewing, i am wanting to get in to astro-photography, and ive been reading some things on Mak-C scopes and im thinking that a 8" Mak is a good starting point... But i want some other opinions, i want to be able to see and photograph in pretty good quality things like andromeda, the orion nebula, seven sisters, etc... I live at a dark sky site, so transportation is not an issue.

What's a good website where I can buy a hip flask with something interesting on it (like an animal)?

after 5 catalog has some cool stuff! or go to idrink or drink nation, they have some great stuff to buy on there websites!

Another Version Of Beethoven Symphony Seven Second Movement?

Can Someone Tell Me The Name Of The Version That Is The Same Song As Beethoven - Symphony Seven Second Movement, Karl Jenkins - Allegrettango, Sarah Brightman - Figlio Perduto, And Libera - Sacris Solemnis That It Sings A Man With The Voice Baritone Or B?

Calculating BTU Please Help?

You need to know the difference of the temperature of the water coming into the boiler and the temperature of the water coming out of the boiler and the volume of water over a given time. This will allow you to calculate the btu in the water available for heating the house. This is not the same as calculating the thermal efficiency of the boiler.

All these earthquakes,is Oregon next?

After reading about three major eartquakes in two days,I could feel it in my bones,that the US was gonna have some too.Here it is in the morning news,small quakes in central California.While they have them there all the time,I just don't think this is a coincidence and that the small quakes will be followed by bigger ones.It's scary,it's California next?Is Oregon? Which is less destructive?Inland or along the coast?

Car insurance, i crashed myself.?

If you have collision coverage they should pay to repair your car minus your deductible. If you don't have that coverage your on your own.

Are lions more successful hunters than cheetahs?

Yes, lions are much more succesful at hunting than cheetahs. I was recently at the Shamwari Game Reserve and our guide pointed out the carc of an full-grown Eland antelope. She explained that the kill would have had to be done by a lion as cheetahs aren't strong enough to take down an adult Eland. However, a cheetah may be able to eat a baby antelope.

Is it normal to be itchy after ingesting caffeine?

I just drank a can of AMP energy drink and now I am really itchy. I am not allergic to anything in the product, but I have noticed any time I take in above 300 milligrams of caffeine I am itchy all over my skin. Is this normal or should I be concerned?

Too old for gymnastics?? please help?

i was a serious gymnast in the 3rd grade, but i just didnt have the drive, and bruised my knee caps, so i just quit, i was level 5 just got my back tuck, and i can still do back hand springs on the tramp, and if i tried on floor with a spot a few times, i think i will jump back into the feel, i am 12 right now, do you think i am too old to start again?? if i am not, what level do you think i will be in?

I am having trouble with my computer recognizing the midi driver for Yahama MO6 Keyboard.?

I download the right working files but I cant get the installation to start when I click on it because its not being recognized as anything but a system (.sys) file. If anyone can help please do - Thank you.

Can all men be sdeucted?...just curious?

watching this show talking about the sin of lust and how women can so easily seduce men just makes me think 'how easily can i seduce men'....im not saying i want to be a tease, a slut, tramp, etc, nothing like that...i just wonder if i could possibly have that 'power'?... and not to be egotistical but i am attractive ;), ive just never tried the seducing tactic, sometimes i think to try it on my ex, not to see if i can get back with him, cause i dont want that, but just to see if i really could. i mean he thought i was totally y and i REALLY turned him on while we were dating. but i get this vibe from him though, that he doesnt do anything with girls he is NOT dating, in which case that makes me think 'wow what kind of boy are you' lol btw he is 17... hes so adamant about not wanting anything to do with me anymore, just cause we argued a lot, but yea...can the seducing tactic work on all guys? btw the ex thing was just an example

If a person gets shot 3 times, and one of those is on the face how long does it take for them to die?

You didn't say whether or not your brother died, but I'm uming he did. I'm sorry for your loss. Truth is, you may never know how long it took him to p away. The best thing to do is not to focus on his death and suffering. Honor his memory by thinking about the good times you had with him. Make a scrapbook with pics of good times, something like that. It will help you heal. Good Luck!

Guy friend always there for me?

He sounds like a really good friend, I would appreciate having someone like that in my life. Maybe he just cares so much for you and he wants to be there when u need him. They say that true friends are gonna be there during the good and bad times.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How much is ProActiv?

Youre wasting your time, dont use proactiv it doesnt work... it hasnt worked on any of my friends. Only buy the refining mask it actually works like crazy!!! so only buy that, accept leave it on for tlike 30mins instead of 15. For a nother face wash use something from clean and clear.

Had an extremely weird dream...?

Dreams are influence by events and experiences that happened throught your day. You may have watched a film, subconciously read something, seen an ad on tv etc. That may of caused it. Don't worry i'm pretty certain you'll be safe.

Is Mit Romney in the same shape as Hillary and why isn't the media talking about Mitt being all over?

Ive seen several reports of his campaign in trouble.....the reason the Clinton fall is getting more coverage is that she was more clearly the favorite than Romney was.....

I hate my mom's new boyfriend how do I break them up?

I don't like him at all. I mean he is always at our house and he was with my mom at my dance competition which made me mad since I was only expecting her to come. Plus he is at our house every other day for dinner. The other day I snapped at him and my mom took his side. I was mad at my mom about something else then he tried to talk to me saying he knew how teenage girls were so I told him that how would he know his daughter is way in Phoenix and doesn't even know him. I was right and she took his side! What is her problem? I want them to break up. I mean for years it's always been just me and her, and that's how it always should be. SUre she seems happy but everyone knows that guys are just temporary happiness and they will break up with you and give you heartache. What is a good way to break them up?

(10 pts)What do they say in the background at the end of "YOUR A JERK"?

The person that says that with a deep voice is "fabo" from d4l and its just the snippet of that song "bankhead" from d4l. Before that, new boyz is saying "gettin geeked up". New boyz sayin "jerk x7" and your right. Its: i'm startin to see spaceships on bankhead"

Did you know Cheryl Cole's been dropped from the u.s x factor?

yes, they knew her accent was strong and no one will understand her so they shouldnt have given her the job

Help me solve these sec/csc/cot?

1] cosx=sqrt[1-sin^2 x] =(sqrt85)/11 , secx=11/sqrt85 . [2] coty = 1/tany =1/.2562 . [3] 18.7 degrees=18 degrees 42 minutes 0 seconds cot18.7=2.95

Is this poem romantic? Please let me know...?

Sorry but it's kind of corny try making another one. Don't rhyme it too much because it sounds bad. (NO OFFENSE).

I feel fat and disgusting, how can I stop thinking this way?

One day a man comes home to his wife laying in bed with y lingerie. His wife says "Tie me up and do whatever you want" So the man ties her up then went out and played Golf. Cheer up!

Fantasy Trade question (crucial to team)?

I would counter offer with the jags defense and see what he does. Otherwise you are giving up too much for those 2

Can I create a Fifi Lapin doll, without infringing copyright/trademark laws?

I want to make a Fifi Lapin doll and Possibly create some to put on Etsy. But from a legal standpoint is there anything stopping me from doing this? I can't find any information about who created her, except a blog that says "All images by Fifi Lapin on this site remain the copyright of Fifi Lapin"

UF students! Do I have a chance at getting into UF?

You probably have a good chance. You named a lot of courses, but they are not going to look at what you did in middle school. The might breifly look at your freshman and Sophmore year, but they will focus on Junior and senior years.

2012, how much do you know?

first off al this is what i know from what iv read, seen, heard, and investigated about: the actualy theory that is going around at this point and time, is that the magnetic poles will decrease and shift, *this is caused by the incrasing greenhouse ges taking its tole on our ozone layer* while a shift in the magnetic poles *in other words the south and north pole will switch magnetic pulls* may seem unimportant, you have to take into consideration how many of our electronic things run on magnets and drasticaly depend on these poles. if they were to shift, every single peice of tech that runs on magnets will seize to work. now, its true that the mayans are the most popular in predicing this "doomsday" but their not the only ones, its the only reason that scientists got so intirested in it. almost every culture, religion, group, and country has its own prediction of 2012 as not being a "doomsday" but as being a time of great change in mankind. so dont think the world will end, just expect a huge change



What do you think of this new format for the possible 2011 MLB Season? 4 Divisions 32 teams 4 each division.?

Alright A why would they change the leauges B The white sox are pretty much as far as you can go without reaching canada so why are they in the south and C Are you a rays fan cause only they will like it cause they can domonate the "south leauge" and not have to worry about the sox and yankees anymore

Is love as profound as people thought if...?

people change partners so many times during their lives? How many relationships do people of todays generations go through in their lifetimes on average? We change relationships like socks nowadays, is love as deep as we thought?

Tennis racquets?

If ya kinda feel uncomfortable w/ ur current racket right now & price for ya isn't a problem, yes, go buy another 1. U r eyeing another Prince racket, & I believe you're so accustomed with Prince quality. Try its models on display & when you finally have chosen, practice w/ d 1 u like most regularly & bond w/ ur racket, so to speak, get d feel & u wl b ready for another higher level of the game.

Enlightenment in colonial america?

Many new ideas, music and books became available to the cultured few in America. It eased the strong control religion had on the common people.

I need help with some reggae song !!! pleasee HELP (=?

im trying to look for an old reggae song.. but i dont quite remember the exact name.. although, i know some lyrics which may not be accurate but they're talking about some rocket launcher thing,,and they're saying likee hoo daa hom please HELP !


One does not always use the same solicitor if the building society or bank the solicitor who bought the house for your parents

Why do some women date much less attractive men; but few men date much less attractive women?

It depends I guess, I know of more guys who are in relationships with what some people consider less attractive. My self I think you can be the hottest girl in the world but if your personality sucks that's the biggest turn off there is. We all have to find what we find attractive, I have know people of both es who are very much into looks.


AWW. i know how you feel, last month my Betta died and there wasn't anything i could do about it. he was also only 2 years old. At that age , its completely normal for Betta's to die. There life expectancy is only ranges to about 2-4 years, and its a Miracle if they live longer. So don't blame your self, you didn't do anything wrong.

tail recipes with football oriented names?

Please Help! I am having a footy-colours-night party (AFL, NRL & Soccer) I am after tail recipes that are more popular with men and itd be great if they have any fun footy orientated names!

Where can i get free printable non downloading clarinet sheet music?

I play the clarinet and want a good website that i do not have to download free printable sheet music.

Is the current governmental system in the UK (monarchy) working.?

The UK is a constitutional monarchy and therefore the Queen and Royal family are no more then figureheads. The UK is a Parliamentary democracy with universal suffrage, the Queen has no political power (technically she can reject laws but if she did she would be forced to abdicate, the last monarch to reject a law was Queen Anne - reigned 1702-1707, although George III commonly "lost" his papers)

I know Flo Rida's song "Jump" was in a recent movie, but I can't think of what the movie is called. Help!?

It's not Step Up 2 or G-Force, I know that much. I distinctly remember him with a crowd behind him and he's jumping and singing that song. I'm pretty sure it was in a fairly recent movie (that's on DVD) but I can't think of what it is. Please help me! I'm sorry I can't give any more details than that. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I need help talk to the guy I like?

any suggestions? I'm kinda really shy when I haven't talk to somebody in a long time or if I have never met them before. I really like him though. Not just because he's cute. I liked this guy a while ago when we still went to the same school. Now we go to the same high school. He is always with his friends and I don't know how to talk to him when he is.And he's not in any of my cles. It's not like I never met him. We were kinda sorta maybe friends in 7th grade. He wasn't in any of my cles then either but atleast he was in my homeroom. I didn't really talk to him that much in homeroom because I was too shy but towards the year ended he started say hi to me in the hallways and stuff. Sometimes now I see him in the hallways alone but we will usually be going in different directions. If I get the chance to talk to him what should I even say? How do you make the first move first?How can I over come my fear of being shy? How can I eat lunch with him? You know stuff like that. plz help

What is the name of the movie where a woman was placed in a mental hospital even though she wasn't crazy?

i don't remember much about it except it was a grown woman & she was sent to a mental hospital because they believed she was crazy even though she wasnt. she met another woman there who was actually crazy & fought with the people who worked there. one day when they were at recess or whatever, the crazy woman helped the non-crazy woman escape by running & distracting the guards. it might have been a lifetime movie but im not sure. please help && thanks in advance! p.s. the whole movie doesnt revolve around her being in the hospital, thats just all i remember.

Aggressive Molly Fish Question?

You can get a couple new ones, but it won't help. You need to give that aggressive one back. Then maybe your tank will be at peace.

Octagons......Pentagons....Joi… Help?

the size of an interior angle of a regular octagon is 135 degrees so drawing a straight line up from the joining side leaves half the angle at 45 degrees. the size of an interior angle of a pentagon is 180 degrees so drawing a straight line up from the join leaves the other half of the angle at 72 degrees. 45+72 is 117 degrees

Is this a good or bad idea? helppp?

i want to be a state trooper in about 7 years. But i have problems with my back. like right now its killing me and it hurts to just move. i think i just pulled a muscle. and i have put stuff on it but it doesn't work. my back hurts constantly though. and my shoulder does too. it pops and stuff idk if it pops out but i cant have it a certain way bc it hurts. ive wanted to be a cop since i could walk. and i wanted to go to physical therapy but my mom is afraid they(cops) will look into that and see that i went for my back. idk what to do but i know physical therapy will help i just don't want to ruin my career

Do you know that Refugees are ppl that used to be just like we are now?

Refugees are NOT like we are now...they lived an entirely different lifestyle...their regions have always been wartorn, impovished....you must be African American....

GOOD scary movie???

pet semetary, that movie is the only horror movie that truly freaks me out. battle royale is good too!

Has industrialized warfare between developed societies caused an unnatural stigma against indigenous violence?

Small scale violence of tribal people is small scale because it is limited to a small number of people. It is no less violent if you are one of the people involved. People naturally have a high birth rate and would expand to fill the capacity of the environment. They aren't going to give up territory peacefully. Those that do won't survive. As the populations rise and bump up next to their competitors, they naturally will become resentful of them. Warfare will create hatred and it doesn't matter if it is a clan or a state. I think most people today have forgotten what it is like to struggle to survive. We have had a few centuries of progress that have made the struggle to acquire territory not about survival but political goals. That may change in the future.

Biker Boyz bad reviews? What about a sequel?

i remember the 1st time i saw that movie i thought it was the koolest thing ever. Then i saw it for the 2nd time 3 weeks ago and i couldn't get over how awful it was - lol. It was good back then even tho the reviews it got were awful but now it just sucks. If they updated it and made kool camera shots like the fast and the furious series i'd love to see it. And they might wanna get better actors too cuz that cast as a whole kinda sucked. But thats just me, i cant WAIT for the new fast and furious movie. I hear Lil Wayne (the rapper) is gonna be in it ;P

Would undeniable proof of alien existence challenge your religious beliefs?

If aliens--spaceships and all--landed and made it clear to the world that they unmistakably exist, would this challenge your religious beliefs? Can you fit the existence of extraterrestrial life with your current religious worldview? What would change, if anything?

Mccain and his prisoner of war status?

He's been in the Senate for years, I suppose he learned something about national security and foreign relations in that time.

Anyone know where to get a good robe?

I'm looking for a place to get a good bath robe! I saw The wedding episode of keeping up with the kardashians and the robe khloe had on while she was getting ready was perfect! I'm looking for like a thin silky robe! i really want a cheetah print one and one thats shorter and not very long! thanx! : )

Advent web cam is not working?

What is the exact problem that you are having that is not making it work? By just saying it doesn't work, doesn't really help us in a way.

Is this worth challenging in court?

You may be right but you could not prove . Besides, the tendency of government officer is to favor other officer. No body will probe and listen your arguments sympathetically . Better to avoid all unwarranted tension and pay as the cop says .

Does anyone else have midterms this week?

My midterm is tomorrow, but here I am, procrastinating on yahoo answers! Don't you hate it when this happens?

Why is he playing with my feelings?

this guy who used to lik me in highsc we lost contact and lik 5 years ltr we run n2 eachother by chance at a club. we both have partners. well my BF went away 4 a while so me and this guy becme ually involved damn near everyday for a month, then it kinda dys down. I try to brake it off but he makes me feel lik the bad person. he went frm calln evryday and texn me sweet messages lik I miss u. then he flips the script and i would hear frm him every otr day, and he sometimes wouldnt answer 4 me. I tld him my BF was coming bak and he kinda brushed me off and dnt tak advantage of the lil time we had lef. so whn i tel him my BF has *** bak, he sounds torn up and basically says i guess this is bye 4 evr. so weeks p and we talk maybe 1 a week. he recently invited me to his job function and we had a 1derful time. I haven;t heard frm hm & whn I called him he dnt answer. I tex hm he responds only 1 time, then I call him and we briefly talk he says he will CB, and nvr does, wht is his proble

My boyfriend plans on joining the military, what can I expect?

Your fortunate to have a boyfriend who is doing something for his future. It takes courage to change careers, especially the H.M.Services. When I think of the layabouts living hand to mouth, probably never had a job nor want one, it makes my blood boil. I can`t help you with regard to protocol of army life, but your boyfriend is also fortunate in having you for his girlfriend, and being so supportive. Good Luck to you both.

Say something positive about these teams?

they will all eventually turn it around the nfl has too much paridy for anyone to b on top forever or on bottom the cowboys 20 years of winning seasons is a record unlikely to be broken

Is it healthier to do sports when nude?

well uh... i dont want to run nude..... ehh... and do you do this in public? seriously dude? dont you get shot?

I got my BFP today girls!!!! *****?

That is wonderful news! So happy for you :) Wishing you a happy, healthy and fabulous 9 months for you and your little one!! I can imagine how excited you must be :) Aw how lovely!!!

What do you guys think of my lyrics?

It'snic you have some good talent if you can write a song like that. The lyrics really are powerful it compliments the title that you have given it.

First fantasy football draft of 09. what do you think?

pretty good. nice selection of matt ryan and matt forte. theyre gonna have a big season! Try and get a little better wide receiver..

I have a finance situation. SO here it is, any advice is well appreciated as long as it is all in good faith?

I am a 20yo medical student. I am about to graduate in March. Now when I say medical student i mean Medical istant. I have a job lined up at a local practice in March. I currently have federal student loans at the max that I can possibly get. I made it to this point on PA unemployment which got me by fine. I recently got a letter stating that my benifits will stop this month. I have not recieved any extensions at this point however im not sure that I am eligble. I need about $5000 to make my bills and rent until I graduate but, the school will not certify any private student loans exeeding $1600. I am doing very well in school and maintain a 3.7 GPA and would not benifit from quiting. I ma not able to get a job because my time schedule does not allow any free time with having 3+ hour of homework a night and having a family. I have a Co-signer available for any loans if that would be the best rouhgt to go. What other options do I have at this point? Are there any financial agency's that will help me through school? Any advice is appreciated and please be civil.

What was your most memorable theatrical experience, either on-stage or off?

My most memorable show would be 2 nights while playing Willie Loman in Death of a Salesman in 2005. My mother came to my opening night, even though she wasn't feeling well. The next day she was in the hospital. I spent that day with her in her room visiting until it was time to go get ready for the 2nd performance. My car was broke down so I had to walk to the theater. Luckily it was only a 15 minute jaunt. I called her from backstage just before curtain and her last words to me were, "I love you, Ronnie. Break a leg!". She died early the next morning and I had one more performance to do. I didn't tell anyone in the cast for fear that it would affect our last show. Somehow they all found out by the end of the show and I received a lot of love and support from the cast and crew. So, opening night and my last night as Willie Loman would be my most memorable performances. I miss her very much.

Yaro Starak's 10 Blog Traffic Tips - Any More Tips?

I am new to blogging and was considering putting a blog on my website when I launch it. Your article swayed me in the right direction, and now I am confident I will be able to maintain a great blog for my site. Every part of your article was incredibly informative. A must read for anyone considering starting a blog.

Does anyone really take Hillary Clinton seriously?

Hillary is trying to be enough of a moderate to win a general election, as a result she is starting to annoy a lot of the hard core liberal primary voters. But there are many who take her all too seriously. Those who underestimate her may just hand her a victory that would be a disaster for the country. I think the Pentagon had justifiable concerns about giving her sensitive information since it is obvious that her goal is to undermine the success of their mission in Iraq. In their position I don't think I would offer aid to the enemy either.

Do you applaud the Arab people fighting for their Freedoms much like Americans did in the Past?

Do you feel pride in your fellow human beings in another part of the world also fighting for freedoms and rights that you had, that your ancestors fought for in history? Because of one spark, dictators and tyrants AROUND the world are shaking in their boots, including Saudi Arabia and China. All dirty tyrannical regimes are on the brink of collapse, or working around the clock to shut down any attempts like China right now did to its organized protesters on facebook. Something to be proud of A'murka! What say you?

How long to thaw this roast?

I have a four to five pound chuck roast that i transferred from the freezer to the fridge. how long until its thawed and ready to cook?

Monday, November 7, 2011

500 g of ammonia react with 51.0 moles of sulfuric acid to produce ammonium sulfate. How many moles of excess?

I just need help this whole section isn't making any sense! If you guys can help me some more please email me at sbob.gf16@gmail com. But first answer this one if you can. Thank you so much! :)

Do you think Roe vs Wade will ever be overturned?

I don't think it honestly will. The Republicans use it every single election as a political cash cow. It seems they would have one less thing to appeal to their base and the Evangelicals if they were to actually overturn this as political ammo during an election. I think it is more of a political ploy by them at this point since they have had the opportunity to do this before. What is your opinion?

Simply an outie or a hernia?

My son had a hernia, when you push your belly on in your stomach, can you feel a hole? if so, its a hernia.. he had to have surgery, but they had to wait until he was 3. I wanted to cry one day, he was in the restroom with his older potty training brother, and he pulled off his diaper and stuck his belly on over the potty.. poor boy thought that was his !!

Mixing naturopathic supplements with my current medications(medical staff please)?

I am a Medical istant and also have Fibromyalgia. Since no 2 people have the same symptoms, any of these and others could be true including the swelling if you are having a flare. I have found that eliminating red meats from my diet has significantly reduced my symptoms. Also eliminate dairy as much as possible as it can trigger inflammation. Also eliminate as much processed sugar as possible. Exercise as tolerated. I am taking the following supplements with good results: B50 complex (get the yeast free kind), magnesium250 mg a day has reduced the frequency of my migraines, glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM daily for joint pain, vitamin D3 800 IU a day has reduced some of the pain, vitamin C 1000 mg to help my immune system. I have has FMS since my late 20's, I am now 54 and I am doing pretty well. Good luck, I hope I was able to help some from my own experience. If you still are worried about the systemic candida the Swanson company has a capsule to eliminate yeast. i tried it but didn't notice much difference so I stopped.

What do you think about Uruguay?

I don't know much about Uruguay, but I am sure its a beautiful country in south central America. I belive people speak Spanish and are mostly catholic. So, they are high in morale and spirit. Hardworking honest people. Music is their pion and I love all South - central American music.

Is it being stingy or just saving to be rich?

What if you don't want to give away what you have? What are some situations to give freely, and some to conserve?

Friend has started dating someone online - I think he's probably fake?

This sounds very primary school but you need to talk to an adult about this. you also need to talk to your friend again and maybe show her some articles about girls who have met up with pedophiles. she needs to realise how serious this is.

I need help with my chest workout!?

Jimmy G, start working out three days a week, you body need time to heal and repair it`s self. and you can lift heavier weights too, your over working yourself. change up somethings. What I mean is did you every see someone that works really hard, like a block or brick layer? or someone handling a lot of weight, most of them are out of shape, big belly and stuff, Why? well their body is use to doing it everyday, and in time starts storing a little more fat for energy. so if your over doing it, with out letting your body heal and repair. your just fighting yourself. anyway hope this helps you a little. bye

Need help with AP European history homework question! Its on the Enlightenment period?

In what ways did France after the wars of Louis XIV, illustrate the need for reform and inspire the ideas of the Enlightenment? help would be greatly appreciated!

Do i use preterite or imperfect?

Okay so I'm writing a short essay for spanish. And i want to say "This summer, I read the book A Child Called It" So when i conjugate the verb read (leer) should it be in the preterite or imperfect tense?

Any ideas for a cool prank?

Well me and my ocusins practically have like a prank war.... so i need really good ideas for pranks...you can make them up or tell me some you used in the past....an example is...like one time they barked everytime i said the word "the" and i pretended i had some medicine that made me fart...and i played a farting noise every five minutes...and i didnt tell them until they left...so can you please give me good ideas! 10points to the best answer!

Can you help us with some names please?

WoW! Congrats, six times over! What a blessing. I know you might receive a lot of scrutiny but it will all be okay!

Which WR do I start!!!!!!?

I would start Bernard Berrian over Matt Jones. Both should be great, but I'm willing to take my chance with Berrian. Good Luck!

Where should I take a suicidal friend, Iraqi war vet, with no health insurance and no job?

Wow! Scary, huh? OK, first of all, DO NOT leave this person alone at any time. Drinking and suicide go hand in hand. I would suggest going to a VA Hospital, signed up or not. She put her life on the line for our country and we should help her now. Tell them right up front that she is suicidal, to the point of making a plan. Actually making a plan means she could do it at any time. Heck, I would even go to the bathroom with her. As soon as she wakes up, give her a choice. Go peaceably to the VA Hospital or you will call 911. All you have to do is mention that you have a friend who has threatened suicide and you will get immediate attention from the 911 operator. But do something. Your friend is very, very fragile right now and needs help ASAP. You are a good friend so keep at it until you get her the help she needs.

Where Does it Say that Obama is the AntiChrist?

It does not specify any one person. From various verses all over the New Testament primarily in the 2 books to the Thessalonians and the Revelation the characteristics of the Antichrist will be 1) will come from the world of politics; 2) will be wildly popular; 3) a great orator; 4) a great deceiver of men; 5) will claim to be God. Many theologians have put prophecies into terms of today. The true Christ will come after Israel has been a nation for a generation (70 years in the Bible) which would be around the year 2018. Before that there will be 7 years of tribulation (2011). There will be an economic collapse (sound familiar). The Antichrist will turn the economic collapse into a great success and deceive the mes before he begins to declare war in order to gain control of the world. This would be someone with commander powers which the president of the US has. My minister friend thinks there will be an ination attempt on the Antichrist and that the media will report he is dead. After three days he will "rise" from the dead to mock Jesus. At this point he will proclaim himself God. Whether it is Obama or McCain or someone from another nation remains to be seen, but I think those that say the world as we know it is not for long, may be right. Parts of the book of Revelation read like a horror novel when speaking of the unleashing of evil in the world. I think many think it is Obama because the Antichrist hates Israel and Christitans and when he has slips lie "my Muslim faith" lead many to believe that he is a closet Muslim. By the way, the Antichrist will claim to be a Christian so as to deceive even the elect. I think one has to read Daniel, Ezekiel, I & II Thessalonians, and the gospel of John in addition to the book of the Revelation to get a clearer picture of this person who will be more intelligent and more powerful that any human. Obama has some noticeable flaws but the media have sheltered him like no other candidate in history.

Can ya help(please, please, please) i posted this question yesterday and nobody answered?

u are definitely on it my dude.wear the pants and make your move.look her in the eyes and ask for her number,(don't blink).she filtered that Rodney guy for you,and if you waste time she is going to delete you before you even have you breakfast.so go for it.

My promiscuous gal pal, who has never not cheated on her bf, is dating my my good friend...?

Should I tell him what he is getting into to help him avoid certain heartbreak, or should I stay out of it? I know that if it was me, I would want to know, but is it really any of my business??

Should the Bengals allow Palmer to find another team?

I think Cincy should try to trade Palmer and see if they can get a draft pick or 2 for him. They have the 4th pick in the draft and can go after Gabbert, Locker, or Mallett. If i were the man in charge of CIncy id start to rebuild and begin that with drafting a QB this yr.

Could the Asteroid Ceres cause another M Extinction?

It is possible but I don't think so because, you see, we are smarter than the dinosaurs and we have a chance to avoid it.

Pain,Loneliness and heartache?

I really liked your poem and can feel the pain in it; but i wish for your sake it was a happy with life poem.It does get better i swear..

Can u please prove this girl wrong(lipgloss)?

there is girl in my homeroom and she insits that if u add red food coloring to clear lipgloss it will turn pink, i tell her no that wont happen it will just be like liquid inside they gloss, can u please prove her wrong and explain y she wont believ me maybe if i get more opinions and reasons she will stop being so ignorant!

What is rabbi and trans fat? lol my friend wants to know.?

rabbi is short for rabbit(as in bugs bunny or hillary duff after her new teeth), and trans fat is fat that has had a change

Wwe divas best body and face?

out of all the current wwe divas, who do u think has the most perfect body and perfect face with no pimples and zits and stuff. i thought it was mickie, but she has way to many pimples. i think its candice

Ok, Girls And Guys i need your opinion!!!?

Well, there is this guy at school that I really like. I have liked him since school ended last year! We are in the same grade! I need to know wheter or not he likes me. He sits next to me in homeroom, I catch him looking at me at lunch!! He talks to me most of the time!! And is always making jokes that are Perverted ( Most Of The Time) so that I can ALWAYS hear them?? His best friend whose a girl but they ARE NOT going out says that he doesn't like me, but I am not so sure!! What do u think??

How does fluoride or fluorine effect the brain?

Does it stay dorment in your body? Does it effect certain parts of the brain? Who's actually in on this scheme? Why don't people boycott this? What other chemicals are disruptive to bodily function? I understand big businesses/that are run by corrupt individuals are responsible. They probably even control the internet. Do you think nazis control most of the society? Do you think extraterrestrail's are behind this scheme to control mankind on earth? ............. anything you have that can contribute to these questions or ideas id like to know. Do you think tv is mind control? Do you think we should trust the government? Are all contries controlled by the illuminati? .............. WE SHOULD GET TOGETHER AND PUT A END TO THE WRONG AND MAKE IT RIGHT... DO YOU THINK ITS POSSIBLE IF WE ALL MEET UP SOMEWHERE AND BEGIN THIS REVOLUTION WITHOUT ANY RACISM... I BELIEVE WE NEED TO GET BACK TO ARE OLD OLD WAYS LIKE ANCIENT WAYS... DO YOU THINK WE'D BE BETTER OFF BEING VEGETARIANS???..... DO YOU THINK RELIGION IS EVIL? GOD IS ONE? THAT WOULD MEAN DON'T ENGAGE IN RELIGION BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IN DIFFERENT GODS/ ARE THESE GODS ALIENS THAT ARE BRAIN WASHING GULLIBLE PEOPLE? HELP GET THIS OUT THERE ALL AROUND THE WORLD IF YOU ARE SEEING WHAT IM GETTING AT? DO YOU THINK GOD IS LIKE UNEXPLAINABLE? DOES GOD ENJOY WAR? DO YOU LIKE POLITICS AND RELIGION?.............. IM JUST SAYING WHAT IS UP? I NEED SOME ANSWERS HERE.... I NEED TO KNOW HOW PEOPLE FEEL ABOUT THESE THINGS.... I KNOW IM NOT THE ONLY CONFUSED ONE? DO YOU THINK CULTURE IS BAD? DO YOU THINK THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO PLOT MY DEATH NOW? DO YOU THINK JOINING THE AIR FORCE IS A GOOD IDEA? CUZ IM THINKING ABOUT IT? DO YOU THINK THEY'LL ALLOW ME TO JOIN IF I THINK THINK ABOUT THIS STUFF?

Why does carbon like to form 4 covalent bonds?

Carbon has four valence electrons and four valence orbitals (one 2s and three 2p). Hence, carbon usually finds a way to pair all four valence electrons into bonds with other atoms and has just the right number of valence orbitals to do that.

What is bran castle used for today?

It's a national monument and landmark in Romania, and is open to the public. Much of the castle is a museum which houses art and furniture collected by the former Queen Marie of Romania. There is also a smaller ethno-museum in the grounds which shows off peasant traditions from around the country.

I've had a cough that's lasted over a month...HELP! ?

I found this really interesting article this morning, if you take a square of dark chocolate and eat it(just one mind you) there is a chemical in it that can stop coughing faster than any meds they got out on the market right now. I am gong to give it a try today.

Me & my dads girlfriend had a fight? Who's in the wrong?

If she went over the top about you eating pizzas with knife and fork she was wrong in that. How you eat pizza is a preference, not a law. You however broke an unwritten law cy calling her a c***, and you have to apologize for that. She should apologize for yelling at you at your parents, that isn't right no matter what time of the month it is but be the bigger person and apologize for calling her a bad thing.

PSAT and SATs?

If you take the PSAT in the beinning of your sophmore year, about how much higher do people usually do when they take the SATs at the end of their Junior year.

What is a good restaurant to celebrate a a girls birthday in houston area?

We were planing on going to johnny Rockets for my granddaughter and nieces birthday ages 5 & 21. they are closed down now don't know where to take them in the Houston, Woodlands, Conroe or College Station area. HELP me please.....

Whats some good training advice for an upcoming boxing/kickboxing fight?

Im going to be in a two minute two round fight that involves striking both with the fists, feet, and knees. however no grappling. Im planning on getting in some sparring but i have to pay to spar with these guys at the mma gym so its not going to be that frequent. so in addittion to sparring what are some other good ways to prepare? i know conditiong is really important but since i will only be able to sparr a few times before the fight would shadow boxing and hitting the bags in addittion to a ton of conditiong and explosive training be enough to compensate for limited sparring? btw this fight of mine is in may20th so i have just under a month to prepare the best i can. Id say my cardio is very good but always room for improvment, and i think my explosiveness is also not too bad, however iv been training at this gym for barely a year mabye 10 months, the guy im supposed to be fighting is also supposed to have about a year or so of training. So any good advice?

What can cause a false positive?

Congrats!!! It really sounds like you are pregnant finally! Very rare cysts can cause hcg but I doubt thats it especially if you are late. Congrats again!

Who are some good authors I might like?

There are a bunch of other Gary Paulsen books like "Hatchet": "Brian's Winter," "Brian's Return," and "The River" are all really good.

Do you remember the Civil Rights era did any occur?

I keep hearing rumors that on the marches of some marches in the 1960's there would be people having interracial but I thought people would get lynched or beaten back then and white females didn't like black males.Did you ever march or see interracial couples?

My budgie died suddenly?

she was 2 years old nearly to the day, and she died suddenly, she was fine yesterday, flying round and feeding i have an aivary with 3 other birds in it they are only 8 months old. what could have caused this? and the others seem saddened and are not as chirpy as normal. how long will it take them to get over it and how would i go introducing another new baby in to the cage?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Can we use simplified chinese characters as japanese kanji?

I am aware that the japanese language adopts chinese words into their kanji. I notice that most of the kanji used are the same as the traditional chinese characters. I am a malaysian so I studied simplified chinese characters. So I'm wondering, is it okay to use simplified chinese characters instead of the traditional ones for kanji writing? Would it be understood by japanese if i do?

Why is dennis miller even on tv anymore, he was not all that funny snl, and tanked afterword?

There's like 500 channels, sometimes they run of of time to fill so he gets some crap show. I hate him.

Any ideals?

i got a 93 celica GT converible i got new plugs and wires in,also new fuel pump and filter and stainer. so. i was driving home from work half way there. maid a stop from the traffic light. prelude was next to me. when the light turn green the guy in the prelude thought i was racing, i wasnt! well u took off and i thought i can caught up to him floor the gas. 5500rpm shift to 2nd i was getting up behind him almost ping him shift to 3. then bam!!! no noise just the car shut off on me. i thought i blew a rod but i had oil and no noise the car would not start but it will turn over. towed it home thought it was new fuel pump went out but it was turning on everytime i start the car. i check the dist. coil at autozone it was good. my dist cap look alright little flakes of stuff was in the cap. when i took the cap off there was oil in it. weird huh. i also igot a new timing put in. but i dont think the timming went out. does anyone have any solutions or anything before i take it 2 a dealer

My best friend is acting crazy?

ive been best friends with this guy for 3 years now, and he met this chick online 2 years ago and ever since then hes changed alot. they only see eachother once every 2 months because of the distance and when i tell him itll never work out he gets mad. and apaprently he "loves" her and she "loves" him too, but shes 14 and hes 16. thats impossible theyre too young and they always say how in 10 years or whatever theyll get married and have kids which is total bull bcs come on theyre still way too young to even know what theyre talking about not to mention to know what love is. he always talks to her every spare second he has and now when i hang out with him if she texts him he suddenly stops talking to me and starts basically drooling over the text message and forgets that im there. and its annoying how he always talks about her and when we hang out and do stuff hes just different like he doesnt want to be there. help?

Has anyone tried this ..?

it's absolutely great, as long as you do something about the smell afterwardds. it didn't leave streaks on me or my friend, and works fantastically :)

Are prefabricated crown molding corners supposed to be "flush"?

We are in the midst of a project to put up crown molding in one of our rooms. We purchased the molding AND the prefab inside and outside corners. I thought that cw was supposed to be "flush" even around corners. However, the prefab corners protrude beyond the crown molding pieces that converge at that corner. Believe me, we don't want to rent special equipment and drive ourselves crazy with cutting the molding at the "right" angles for our walls and the molding. I'm OK to use the prefab corners, I just want to make sure that we aren't doing something completely ridiculous. Any guidance would be much appreciated!!

Has anyone considered that, like many grandfathers, Favre might have terrible eyesight and could need gles?

Well, unlike many grandfathers he is only 42 years old. Also, he may wear contacts but regardless what does that have to do with the current "ting" issues he is having? He dialed the wrong number??

Week 12 help needed. Who's my RB2?

I would have to go Charles and agree with the first responder. And remember, the only reason the cheifs had only one rush td was because they had LJ starting instead of Charles.

People living in cold climates~ What temperature do you keep your house at during the day and at night?

What do you think is the ideal temp to keep your house at (one that is comfortable and conserves energy)?

What are some good songs that would fit to a video im making about my familys trip?

So yes that is a long question, and Im making a video with all our photos and videos from the trip, and i need music to put into the background, I already have beautiful day by U2 but i need a couple more. any ideas.

Where to buy a hanging axe pendulum?

I am just wondering where I can possible or if i can at all buy a hanging axe pendulum(one that is usally used in games, movies or books mainly to kill people) for decorations on a wall or something. And i wanted to know if there is a site where i can purchase one? And if its legal.

HELP honest answers NEEDed?

well if he was drunk it could have meant nothing. But it sounds like he is a bit insecure about himself and still has feelings for you. If he thinks you are too good for him, then you probably are, I would stay away, he probably has self esteem issues if he is saying that to you. and if you are going to be moving away then there really is no point getting back with him. Remember there was a reason why you broke up in the first place and you have to ask yourself if that reason is still there or not.

It's not you, it's the distance between us. Truth or a crock?

I was (and still am) so incredibly in love with this guy and he led me to believe he felt the same way then all of a sudden (and rather coldly) he broke it off stating that it was not me but it was the distance between us and that it was too hard for him to be so far away from me so much of the time. We only live 2 hrs about but with our work schedules it's almost impossible to get anytime together. Any truth to this or did he just feed me the big daddy of all lines?

Is it really possible to get 1000 answers?

Actually, celebrities get up to over 38,000 answers (Hillary Clinton's question), due to being on the front page of the site for so long. For a "normal" question -- 1000 is not really doable UNLESS he (and/or others) are reposting with links to the question (like you just did!).

What should I wear to our counties semi-formal firefighters annual award banquet?

go naked and by the end of the night he'll be yours! or if your more conservative just wear about 1 yard of cloth worth of clothing and some cte heels!

Why does psp pda dont work in my psp?

i have a psp that have a version of 3.80 m33-5 why does the psp pda says corrupted dat when i put in the folder of game and game 150

Why do people still think MJ was a molester/freak?

!honey, all i can say that people who don't believe in his honesty and are judging him bad, are the people are heartless and cruel people!!!

Who should I start at QB?

I would definitely start Freeman over Palmer, for the rest of the season, actually. Atlanta gives up big points to opposing wideouts, too. That game's gonna be a shootout. I think Freeman throws for over 300 yards and a couple of scores this week.

Fantasy Baseball TEAM?

It would be helpful to know how many people are in your league and whether is was head to head or roto. Without knowing that I would say that hitting has the opportunity to easily be the best in the league if Sizemore goes back to the way he was two or three years ago and if Reyes can get over his injuries. As for your pitching I would say its about a 4/10 besides Santana, who has been steadily declining, you really don't have a reliable pitcher. I would probably trade away one of your hitters for a solid pitcher you can rely on.

Is it something more than moodswings?

okay i'm 13 and I've been having strange mood episodes lately. Sometimes i can be so happy it's weird and other times i can be so mad i throw things. When i'm feeling depressed i feel as though i wanna hurt myself and i feel worthless. My sleeping has also been weird i don't really ever feel tired even when i don't get enough sleep and i sleep to much a lot. Another thing is it's really hard for me to pay attention, i'm easily distracted and when i do talk about things i seldom go through a lot. things fast.

Who would you rather meet?

That is a tuff one, but I would have to say Andrew Lee Potts just because of Primeval... but then again Ben Mansfield is quite y in it too. Oh but Alice takes the cake for Andrew Lee Potts... Yup I pick him.

Citgo whitch is now petro express is building AK47 factory?

chaveh is building a russian gun factory for terroist in venezuela he lost business with citgo gas staitons which is now petro express don't buy nothing there. did you no this .

Bathroom trouble. If its just a pebble, how do you get it out ?

I know there's something there. I can feel it , but I dont have enough in there to have a regular BM. Do I wait for the next shipment or what? I was trying to relax and wait , and nothing happened. So I started rocking back and forth and side to side and nothing happened. Its very annoying because I feel something and I dont like that. I've had this problem before and never knew what to do or who to ask , but I really would like to know. Is there a trick or something?

Are there some songs you just cannot have on your Mp3...?

"In The End" By Linkin Park because it the song i cried to when my mom ped away so yeah thats never going on my mp3 but ive got the cd with it on it

How do i do my hair like this (picture included)?

If you have straight hair you need to curl first, then pull it up and back, hair spray the front part, and hair clip the back part.

Senior Citizens, what song does one wish one had written?

Probably ' Margaritaville ' The song was a monster hit for Jimmy Buffet, and he then came back later and had another huge hit on the same song when he teamed up with Alan Jackson. I don't believe anyone's ever gotten as much ' mileage ' out of a song as Buffet's gotten out of that one. Not only could I have a nice, little nest egg with that one, but I could be quite rich !

Going on atkins.. any opinions?

Look up the Diet Solution. The atkins diet is not a healthy way to diet. You body needs fruits and veggies of all kinds. The Diet Solution is has a very informative video on their website.

Good teen romance books?

Mary Jane Clark's, "Dancing in the Dark" or "Lights Out Tonight". Romance/suspense novels. Great endings! Has romance but not smut. If you want more romance then read any Nora Roberts book published by Silhouette. They always have happy endings and are usually romance throughout the book.

Where can I find a countdown that will show how long a couple have been together?!?

Hey, I've been with my fiance since Feb 24, 2007 ... I want a countdown that will say how long we've been together for..

How come most open atheist look towards Satan?

We do not believe in Satan or follow him. That's just another one of the lies believers tell about us.

How to be Discovered as a Rap Artist?

the internet, record your music, get it out there to as many people as you can, dont worry about money at first

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Are there white neighborhoods that wouldn't snitch on a child rapist like happened with Lovelle Mixon in...?

Yes. There are certain redneck, survivalist communities that are predominately white and probably would not rat out one of their own, even if said person was accused child and murder. Actually, those communities are more likely to use vigilante justice than the official sort.

Can anyone answer this question on ttc?

At 12DPO you can take a pregnancy test and most likely get a positive. It sounds to me like you could very well be pregnant. I had the light spotting and cramping before I tested postive when I found out I was pregnant. Go get you a First response digital. Those are the best and detect so much sooner. I tested 9DPO and got a YES on the digital and now I have a 10 month old. GL!

Committing Suicide Help Please?

Hey, hang in there, okay?? Eczema can be controlled, and acne is just acne. That girl obviously wasn't right for you. Being skinny is not a problem, at least not to me. And how do you know your voice isn't good? Maybe only you think so. Don't kill yourself!! Things will get better. All you have is hope right now, so hope. Suicide is not the way to go. And the way you look doesn't matter. What matters is who you are.


I have that palette and it's amazing! ... and think about it, we live in a society where they put warning labels on coffee cups "caution this may be hot." I'm sure they don't have anything dangerous in there. I mean, eye makeup isn't ment to be eaten! Coastal Scents also sells products to make other products, like glue, minerals and soap.

Poll: Do you believe in Jesus or Santa Claus..........?

i believe in jesus.santa claus (the chubby ,cheerful, old man with the red costume and the white beard)is just taken from a coca -cola picture in 1920.there is another santa with the name saint vasilios who was giving money to the poor people and had built homes for people who were in need.

Does Argentina's getting a female president before the U.S. imply that it is more civilized than the U.S.?

Apparently, U.S. conservatives (aka ists and gender bigots) still can't handle what a recently third-world country now can.

Can anyone recommend a really good book?

im a 20 year old female, i dont do a lot of reading but i am going to buy a book and see if i like it, i dont mind reading! i just get bored fairly easily. i have read two books so far, one is called "parvana's journey" by deborah ellis, i loved that book. i have also read "hes just not that into you" it was pretty good but i started getting bored half way into it and found myself skipping paragraphs... i dont know what my taste is but i am willing to try anything if someone can convince me? can you recommend a really good book? thanks! :-)

Open Relationships: What's the deal?

Funny you mention this. With my ex girlfriend we did not have an open relationship, but one of her good friends did. He had been cheated on and cheated on his girlfriend. So what did they make the relationship to stay together, they made it open. What do they say if it quacks like a duck, it's a duck? Well if it looks, sounds and acts cheap it's cheap. And any relationship that is OPEN is cheap and worthless. Might as well call it a hookup, because thats what you'll get out of it. The End. Amen.

Is Ariel Sharon still Alive?

if so how is he doing? He just popped into my head just now. If he is alive maybe he is preparing to depart. 11/9/2008

Is this funny or just offensive?

it could be taken either way, depending on peoples feelsings about teenage pregnancy/ parents. I personally think its funny

Has anyone seen SNL tonight?

wow has anyone seen SNL tonight with sarah palin... omggg its was so goooooooooooooood.. i can never thought all the actor on there can be this good... suprise me again and again.... anyone seen it?

A question about logic and the origin of life?

Scientific theories are about theories for which there is evidence for and currently no overwhelming evidence against. That evidence needs to be reproducable and available to all. Intelligent design does not fit into this category. The big bang theory does fit into this category. You need to gain more understanding of the scientific method.

Why would Sarah Palin try to start a "Drill Baby Drill" chant at a speech to a solar power company?

"Install solar panels, baby, install solar panels!" doesn't have the same catchy ring to it.

French: Use "lui" instead of "elle"?

"Lui" means "to him" or "to her" when used with a verb; you cannot say "je elle dis", that would simply not be French. "Je lui dis" is "I say to him/her" or "I tell him/her"; context dictates whether it is "him" or "her".

Installing a second hand Body Control Module?

If I can find a second hand BCM from a 97 Plymouth Voyager and install it into our 97 Voyager, will it still need to be programmed at a Dealership?

Last Nights Episode of Home And Away (AUSTRALIA) Is He Dead or not please read and help. Please Read Details?

Jack has died on Home and Away. I read in the article below that the actor, Paul O'Brien, left the show to further pursue his career in the States. On wikipedia, he is also listed as a former cast member. His character, Jack Holden, was on the show from 2005-2009.

Monetary Policy?????????????

what would be the impact on the whole economy, if Reserve requirements is used to increase the amount of money in the market place?

Who sings this song?

It's NOT by Gwen Stefani. I believe it's an oldies song... I think it's a Christmas song. I remember part of the lyrics said, "and I'll be your favorite girl." I think the song contained the words "ribbons and pearls" but I'm not sure. It sounds like Madonna but I don't think it is

Please help! English ques. (lines 1-17 of page given) In line 13, "failure" most directly refers to:

it means inability to ascertain definitively. specificially in reference to the origin of the nickname.

UGG boots for boys/guys Im 15, what dio you think?

Ugg boots have always been for guys. i have the chestnut clic short uggs on right now cuz im going to skate in em.

I need HELP making cheap wedding invites!?

This one provides free printable wedding invitations: a href="http://www.do-it-yourself-invitations.com/free-printable-wedding-invitations.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.do-it-yourself-invitations.co…/a

Are there any spices, herbs, or foods that offset the radiation from mammogram xrays?

Hi! I hope I have stated this clearly enough. I was wondering if there were any foods, spices, or herbs that would offset mammogram xray radiation. I have read mixed views about radiation and damage to DNA from xrays. Pardon me, I am not very medically educated so I could use some information please and help. If anything, physiologically, it would make me feel better if I had some idea what herb etc would help me detox my body. Thank you and have a great day! MJ :)

What field of astronomy has the least math involved?

Sounds like you're most interested in planetary astronomy. Keep in mind that any field of astronomy will require a PhD to do research in that field, and most astronomy PhD programs require that you take the Physics subject GRE to apply, which in turn pretty much requires a physics major to p. And that's going to be a lot of math no matter what you want to study in the end. All the stuff you listed is in fact math-intensive to study, some parts more than others.

If I move to the UK, which political party would I belong to?

Ideologically you would be a Labour voter, but as Labour has so totally stuffed up the country, you would be better voting for the Conservatives.

Schengen visa from turkey?

i wanna get schengen visa from czech consulate Istanbul. but they wanna my bank acount and in 70 new turkish lira for each day i will be abroad..for 6 month schenge it mean almost 13000 ytl..im student.its funny.i will go consulate without bank acount doents and i will just try...i had long time czech visa this year.and usa visa from last year and schengen visa from poland consulate in czech rep..it mean i have record their database.it will help me?

REPHRASED: Why do some guys not text back?

in a relationship the key is dialogue and confidence to say we should not repress what we think and feel in order to improve the relationship, there is no perfection both have to compromise and understand

Can my final grade be right?

I would suggest talking to another teacher or your principal/headmaster about this. It may be correct, however, taking points off due to lateness caused by unavoidable cirstances is not permitted in most schools, and the fact that he said you could make it up later and then marked you down for that should get him in a lot of trouble with whoever is in charge. Basically, just talk to another teacher, or get your parents to ring the school and sort it out, the worst that can happen is it will stay the same.

Discuss how one can avoid rewarding the wrong behaviors?

Occasionally, people unknowingly reinforce undesirable behaviors. Give and example of thes, discussing the consequences that resulted. Then finally, discuss how one can avoid rewarding the wrong behaviors.

Who is john conners father?!?

Watch the first movie and the fourth one. John exists because Kyle had with his mom after John sent him back in time. It all happens in the same timeline (so, if Kyle hadn't died in the first movie, he'd have been in the fourth one. There are two Kyle's in the Terminator timeline).

The Who Live at Leeds, this is the greatest live album of all time?

I have had this album for 6 months now and try as I might I just don't like it, I think live Rust Neil Young is by far and away the best live album ever, your comments and thoughts please my lovely people? On the best live album, the Who, Neil Young and my ill educated ear?