Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I have a finance situation. SO here it is, any advice is well appreciated as long as it is all in good faith?

I am a 20yo medical student. I am about to graduate in March. Now when I say medical student i mean Medical istant. I have a job lined up at a local practice in March. I currently have federal student loans at the max that I can possibly get. I made it to this point on PA unemployment which got me by fine. I recently got a letter stating that my benifits will stop this month. I have not recieved any extensions at this point however im not sure that I am eligble. I need about $5000 to make my bills and rent until I graduate but, the school will not certify any private student loans exeeding $1600. I am doing very well in school and maintain a 3.7 GPA and would not benifit from quiting. I ma not able to get a job because my time schedule does not allow any free time with having 3+ hour of homework a night and having a family. I have a Co-signer available for any loans if that would be the best rouhgt to go. What other options do I have at this point? Are there any financial agency's that will help me through school? Any advice is appreciated and please be civil.

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