Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2012, how much do you know?

first off al this is what i know from what iv read, seen, heard, and investigated about: the actualy theory that is going around at this point and time, is that the magnetic poles will decrease and shift, *this is caused by the incrasing greenhouse ges taking its tole on our ozone layer* while a shift in the magnetic poles *in other words the south and north pole will switch magnetic pulls* may seem unimportant, you have to take into consideration how many of our electronic things run on magnets and drasticaly depend on these poles. if they were to shift, every single peice of tech that runs on magnets will seize to work. now, its true that the mayans are the most popular in predicing this "doomsday" but their not the only ones, its the only reason that scientists got so intirested in it. almost every culture, religion, group, and country has its own prediction of 2012 as not being a "doomsday" but as being a time of great change in mankind. so dont think the world will end, just expect a huge change

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