Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What was your most memorable theatrical experience, either on-stage or off?

My most memorable show would be 2 nights while playing Willie Loman in Death of a Salesman in 2005. My mother came to my opening night, even though she wasn't feeling well. The next day she was in the hospital. I spent that day with her in her room visiting until it was time to go get ready for the 2nd performance. My car was broke down so I had to walk to the theater. Luckily it was only a 15 minute jaunt. I called her from backstage just before curtain and her last words to me were, "I love you, Ronnie. Break a leg!". She died early the next morning and I had one more performance to do. I didn't tell anyone in the cast for fear that it would affect our last show. Somehow they all found out by the end of the show and I received a lot of love and support from the cast and crew. So, opening night and my last night as Willie Loman would be my most memorable performances. I miss her very much.

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