Sunday, November 13, 2011

Need help? Does it sound like I am overreacting?

I recently lost my job and I just started collecting my unemployment. My dilema is, my husband is also out of work. He happened to mention to one of his relatives that I was out of work and as a result, he has begun to send me job announcements. While I understand that we are in a crisis and need jobs. I do not feel comfortable with someone else navigating a job search for me. I know the type of work that I want and I appreciate the concern. But, the fact is, I did not mention my status to anyone, my husband did. And, the jobs that have been sent to me have been jobs that I would never apply too, because either I have already done them and know that they are dead-end low paying jobs. And, this particular family member has an attitude of, take ANY job, you need one. And this time around, I am very much particular and I want a job that offers me a LIVABLE WAGE. On my last job, I was treated horribly, and grossly underpaid, and I want the best this time aound. I alway's mind my own business, and I know what types of jobs suit me. I am not ignorant or illiterate. Please tell me how you would handle this type of situation without causing an all out family war? I do not feel comfortable with this.

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