Monday, November 7, 2011

Where Does it Say that Obama is the AntiChrist?

It does not specify any one person. From various verses all over the New Testament primarily in the 2 books to the Thessalonians and the Revelation the characteristics of the Antichrist will be 1) will come from the world of politics; 2) will be wildly popular; 3) a great orator; 4) a great deceiver of men; 5) will claim to be God. Many theologians have put prophecies into terms of today. The true Christ will come after Israel has been a nation for a generation (70 years in the Bible) which would be around the year 2018. Before that there will be 7 years of tribulation (2011). There will be an economic collapse (sound familiar). The Antichrist will turn the economic collapse into a great success and deceive the mes before he begins to declare war in order to gain control of the world. This would be someone with commander powers which the president of the US has. My minister friend thinks there will be an ination attempt on the Antichrist and that the media will report he is dead. After three days he will "rise" from the dead to mock Jesus. At this point he will proclaim himself God. Whether it is Obama or McCain or someone from another nation remains to be seen, but I think those that say the world as we know it is not for long, may be right. Parts of the book of Revelation read like a horror novel when speaking of the unleashing of evil in the world. I think many think it is Obama because the Antichrist hates Israel and Christitans and when he has slips lie "my Muslim faith" lead many to believe that he is a closet Muslim. By the way, the Antichrist will claim to be a Christian so as to deceive even the elect. I think one has to read Daniel, Ezekiel, I & II Thessalonians, and the gospel of John in addition to the book of the Revelation to get a clearer picture of this person who will be more intelligent and more powerful that any human. Obama has some noticeable flaws but the media have sheltered him like no other candidate in history.

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